The Dog Sheds Tears, Feeling Hopeless After Receiving a Portrait From its Owner That Looks Like a P.I.L.E of Excrement

The Dog Sheds Tears, Feeling Hopeless After Receiving a Portrait From its Owner That Looks Like a P.I.L.E of Excrement

 Do you often play funny tricks with your furry friends at home? Recently, the story of a Golden Retriever suffering greatly because of a heartfelt gift from its owner made it cry its heart out.

This Golden buddy's name is Henry. One evening, the owner suddenly felt inspired to paint a portrait for him. So, they collaborated—Henry posing, the owner with paper, paint, brushes,... even using professional lighting... promising to create a masterpiece...

The entire hour was spent laboring over the artwork. Henry cooperated well, obediently sitting there, trusting in the owner's ability.

The owner was very pleased as she beheld the finished product... no reservations...

Henry felt helpless, lowering his head with a look of utter disbelief... why does it look like a "pile of poop"??? This was an insult.

Initially, while modeling, the dog was very cheerful with an enthusiastic expression... somehow, the owner accurately captured its unpleasant expression... and thus, a very realistic piece was born. It seemed the dog had a hard time accepting it, while the owner laughed uproariously because she "drew it too accurately" hahaha

Afterward, it seemed to shed tears, feeling hopeless, feeling unfair, sadly skipping dinner...

It turns out, the owner had truly captured Henry's everyday expression... everyone reassured him that it was a "divine replica," so why be sad?

What do you think of this dog's reasonable assessment?

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