Venus Williams fell head over heels on the court in nude lingerie

Venus Williams fell head over heels on the court in nude lingerie

 Venus Williams's outfit at the Australian Open caused quite a stir, even by the attention-seeking standards often seen in women’s tennis. Many noticed what appeared to be a daring display of flesh, but upon closer inspection — undoubtedly undertaken by her male fans — it became clear that the five-times Wimbledon champion was actually wearing flesh-colored underwear to maintain her modesty.

Cheeky: Veпυs appeared to have a bare behiпd at the Aυstraliaп Opeп

Uпflatteriпg: The flesh-coloυred shorts did Veпυs пo favoυrs

Her risqué attire, which included a bright yellow dress with a plunging neckline illusion and flesh-colored paneling, was designed by Venus herself to push the boundaries of the tournament's rules on skimpy outfits. The outfit's eye-catching effect was enhanced by shorts of the same color as her skin, creating a full illusion within the dress's slits and neckline.

A real eyefυl: Veпυs said the kпickers showed her oυtfit to its best advaпtage

Low cυt: The dress had a flesh-coloυred paпel oп the froпt to give the illυsioп it was dariпgly low

Lookiпg back: The Atheпa ‘Teппis Girl’ poste

The outfit drew much speculation online, with fans on Twitter questioning whether Venus was going commando on the court. She clarified that her outfit was meticulously designed to create a specific visual effect and illusion. According to Venus, this design was one of her best creations, showcasing her fashion prowess honed through her fashion degree and her own clothing line and interior design company.

The extra attention surrounding her outfit did not distract Venus from her match against Australia's Casey Dellacqua, which she comfortably won in two sets. This incident added to the history of the Williams sisters pushing fashion boundaries in tennis, with Serena famously wearing a black catsuit at the 2002 US Open.

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