In 2007, the 25-year-old, who ended a two-year title drought with her defeat of Maria Sharapova on Saturday, took to popular Blackrock beach in a striking yellow printed bikini the following day to celebrate her victory. "It seemed like she took time to enjoy this one more than other years," her hitting partner said. "There was a little celebratory champagne, I think and (yesterday) she just wanted to chill out."
And Serena's fighting-fit figure will certainly silence critics who had suggested she was not on top form. "I feel that because I'm larger in some areas than other girls, that I don't have a flat chest, I don't have a flat ass... I felt that people said I wasn't fit," she said. "I mean, my waist is like 28 inches or whatever, which is really small. I just couldn't quite figure it out on that one."
Serena is not the first to discover the delights of the popular southern Australian city. In addition to being renowned for its cultural activities and fascinating Victorian architecture, the lively metropolis offers a wide range of fun outdoor sports, including windsurfing, sailing, scuba diving and rollerblading. It also hosts a slew of international events, such as cricket, tennis and Formula One championships.
The exuberant sporting star, known for her love of head-turning outfits and eye-catching jewellery on and off the court, was making a splash on Blackrock beach, just outside Melbourne