This is an exceptionally beautiful yet incredibly rare natural phenomenon...
These images depict a fire rainbow – an exceedingly rare rainbow in nature. A fire rainbow is an unusual atmospheric phenomenon, and capturing such beautiful pictures of this rainbow is a very rare occurrence.
The phenomenon of fire rainbows, also known as iridescent clouds, is scientifically referred to as a circumhorizontal arc.
This phenomenon occurs only when the sun shines through tiny ice crystals that form at an altitude of thousands of meters.
Rainbows typically appear at an altitude of 20,000 ft (~6000m), and the sun must be at a specific angle of 58 degrees with these clouds.
They resemble rainbows on fire, unlike the typical rainbow we see, consisting of long bands of colorful light near the clouds.
When sunlight interacts with the surface of the water crystals within the cloud, refraction occurs, creating a spectrum of light.
This phenomenon is extremely rare because the water molecules must align in a horizontal line for the sunlight to shine through correctly.
Furthermore, this special phenomenon only lasts for a short time, approximately half an hour, and it is considered fortunate to witness such a rare sight.