The upset dog left home at night after being scolded, and when the parents found him, they witnessed this scene [Watch clip]

The upset dog left home at night after being scolded, and when the parents found him, they witnessed this scene [Watch clip]

 My house has a puppy that acts as a gardener; it's very cute, but being just one month old, it can't help but mischievously damage things. The other day, the puppy chewed up my dad's belongings and got scolded by him. This made it upset, so it angrily left home.

Seeing the upset puppy running out the door without looking back, my parents were very worried. It was already late at night, so the whole family went out searching, but by midnight, there was still no sign of it.

Because the puppy is still quite small, finding it was very difficult. When we returned home, my dad got scolded by my mom.

After all, the dog is just an animal; it made a mistake without knowing. Even if we try to scold it many times… IT REMAINS THE SAME :)))

However, we shouldn't be hot-headed. My dad now feels regretful and worried. Unable to bear it, my parents went out searching again. Surprisingly, when they went outside, they found the puppy standing in front of our house. It was standing in a sleeping position... looking both pitiful and hilarious.

Clearly, it was very sleepy but seemed still upset and wouldn't come inside. As soon as it heard the door opening, it suddenly woke up, and upon seeing its owners, it jumped around joyfully, forgetting all about the scolding from earlier.

Overjoyed, my parents brought the puppy inside, comforted it, and offered delicious food. My dad didn't forget to apologize, gently comforting the puppy. It seemed very satisfied with the unexpected success of its departure from home.

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