The Poor Dog with no Neck Due to a Rare Syndrome still Manages to Perform this Incredible Feat... [Watch the clip]

The Poor Dog with no Neck Due to a Rare Syndrome still Manages to Perform this Incredible Feat... [Watch the clip]

Quasimodo is a purebred German Shepherd dog who suffers from a rare condition called short spine syndrome, leaving him without a visible neck. Named after the famous character from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," Quasimodo's shortened spine gives him a unique appearance reminiscent of the fictional Quasimodo. Only 13 cases of this condition have been recorded worldwide, making our Quasimodo truly special!

Despite being a purebred German Shepherd, Quasimodo hasn't received as much love due to his unconventional looks. However, his short spine only affects his ability to turn his head, and otherwise, he is an active, playful, and affectionate dog.

Quasimodo was found abandoned in Minnesota and was initially thought to have been mistreated due to his appearance. After a diagnosis, it was determined that he has short spine syndrome.

This syndrome has caused Quasimodo's vertebrae to be shortened and fused together, resulting in the absence of a visible neck. Although his head appears normal, his shoulder bones bear significant weight due to the lack of neck vertebrae.

Despite his physical deformity, Quasimodo is incredibly affectionate and loves snuggling with people. To document his journey and find him a loving family, a Facebook fan page called "Quasi the Great" was created, attracting nearly 47 thousand likes.

In a recent update posted on January 31st, Secondhand Hounds announced that Quasimodo would undergo surgery to correct a tail deformity that hinders his mobility. After further treatment, Quasimodo will be ready to join a new family and start a new chapter in his life.

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