The Hairless Dog, which Developed Skin CA.NC.ER after being left Outside for Months, is Striving for a Better Life. It's Heartbreaking to See the Fifth Photo

The Hairless Dog, which Developed Skin CA.NC.ER after being left Outside for Months, is Striving for a Better Life. It's Heartbreaking to See the Fifth Photo

Olive, a 10-year-old Chinese Crested Dog, is the courageous protagonist of an extraordinary tale. This petite dog was surrendered to animal control in May 2017, ill and in a distressing condition. Fortunately, after being taken in by Marley’s Mutts Dog Rescue and joining its Forever Foster program, Olive's life began to transform. While Olive is still battling for her life and faces a lengthy journey ahead, her caregivers are committed to ensuring she achieves a happy outcome.

Upon arriving at the rescue, Olive presented with numerous medical issues requiring urgent attention. She suffered from a bulging eye with glaucoma, primary and secondary skin infections, cysts, abscesses, and a sizable squamous cell carcinoma – all consequences of prolonged neglect and exposure to the elements.

“She was one of our most severe cases,” the rescuers recount, “completely withdrawn, her skin so tender that she couldn’t bear to be touched for months, and in dire need of our assistance.”

Without delay, the team mobilized. Over several months, they collaborated with ophthalmologists, dermatologists, and oncologists at UC Davis and local veterinary clinics to stabilize Olive's condition. Unfortunately, many of her ailments are prone to recurrence – such as the carcinoma that reappeared in the same location following its removal.

Olive's caretakers are working closely with veterinarians and exploring holistic remedies like a raw diet, probiotics, supplements, essential and CBD oils, acupuncture, and more to bolster her immune system.

Despite the gravity of her medical challenges, Olive is relishing her life. She now resides in a secure, nurturing environment surrounded by people who adore and care for her. “She is a joyful girl, and we will persevere until she signals otherwise,” her caregivers affirm.

As emphasized by the rescuers, the coming months are pivotal for Olive's survival. While her recovery is far from complete, her guardians are resolutely committed to saving her, facilitating her healing, and offering her a vastly improved life. We fervently hope that this is precisely what awaits her!

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