Recently, Serena Williams spoke about missing her daughter's first steps due to her intense Wimbledon preparations. On Sunday, her husband, 35-year-old Alexis Ohanian, brought their 10-month-old daughter, Alexis Olympia, to the court while Serena focused on gearing up for the second week of competition.
Alexis Ohanian proudly carried their adorable baby, who sported a baby pink bow in her hair, as they watched Serena prepare for her upcoming matches.
Serena had shared her disappointment about missing Olympia's milestone, revealing on Twitter, "She took her first steps... I was training and missed it. I cried."
This tournament marks Serena's fourth since giving birth to Olympia last September, her first child with husband Alexis Ohanian. Despite the challenges of balancing motherhood with professional tennis, Serena expressed happiness with her progress. "It's my serious second tournament back so it's going pretty well. I have worked really, really, really hard and it has been a long arduous road," she told The Telegraph. "I always expect to come out and do the best I can do and that’s all I can hope for."
Serena's return to the court outside the US began at the French Open last month, where she withdrew before the fourth round due to an arm injury, a consequence of playing both singles and doubles in Paris. Reflecting on the challenges of her busy schedule, Serena admitted, "It's hard. I realized at Roland Garros if the days were long, like I was playing singles and doubles there, that was hard because I felt guilty... If it's the shorter days, now that I'm not playing doubles in this event, I have the day off, I think that will help."