An initially forlorn shelter dog, whose sole companion was his cherished elephant toy, undergoes a heartwarming change upon discovering that both he and his beloved toy are receiving a new home

An initially forlorn shelter dog, whose sole companion was his cherished elephant toy, undergoes a heartwarming change upon discovering that both he and his beloved toy are receiving a new home

Smokey, a rescue dog, refuses to leave the house without his beloved elephant toy. His previous owners, unable to care for him after losing their home, surrendered him to the Franklin County Dog Shelter & Adoption Center on Valentine’s Day, along with his favorite toy, hoping it would bring him comfort.

The 5-year-old pup developed a strong attachment to his plush gray elephant with pink ears. So much so, that the shelter posted a sign on Smokey's kennel insisting that he and the elephant be adopted together.

During his time at the shelter, Smokey found solace in his elephant toy. Initially fearful and withdrawn, Smokey spent several somber weeks quietly holding onto his toy. His future was uncertain, with plans to euthanize him in March...

Then, one day, two volunteers from the I Have A Dream Rescue Organization arrived and instantly fell in love with Smokey. They committed to finding him a foster home.

Since finding a new home, Smokey's demeanor has completely transformed. “He was depressed and sleeping with his elephant until [a volunteer] started talking to him,” said Melissa Sutherland, treasurer of I Have A Dream. “It’s incredible what rescue does for pets.” Now, Smokey can't stop smiling.

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