Two Months Without a Bath, The Dog "Fears Bathing" Standing Trembling In The Bathtub: “Wasn't It Just Bathed the Other Day??” The Fifth Photo Made me Cry Laughing LOL

Two Months Without a Bath, The Dog "Fears Bathing" Standing Trembling In The Bathtub: “Wasn't It Just Bathed the Other Day??” The Fifth Photo Made me Cry Laughing LOL

The weather in winter is quite cold, so most people are hesitant to bathe, and pets are no exception. However, this black dog has been afraid of bathing since it was small, even though it is bathed with warm water, each time bathing feels like torture.

After two months without a bath, it has become quite smelly, so today the owner decided to give it a bath. And here is its expression when it knows it has to bathe, although it never resists, its attitude is like: Just bathed a few months ago...

When put into the bathtub, it cowers, its eyes showing reluctant compliance but still quite stubborn, its ears no longer standing up: why do I have to bathe again...

Indoors, it's the one who's been afraid of bathing since it was small, while the others all enjoy it. It's very gentle and often bullied by others, the owner says: With such a shiny coat, there's no way it would absorb water and be afraid...

After being bathed and cleaned, it feels good again, perhaps thinking: hehe, escaped danger, it'll be a long time before I have to bathe again...

Sometimes it feels like it's a child, understanding everything people say but unable to speak, really adorable.

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