Accidentally Picking up a Puppy, he Decided to raise it Alongside his Husky, Little did he Know that as it Grew Up, it Would turn Into... Refer to the Last Picture to see the Result

Accidentally Picking up a Puppy, he Decided to raise it Alongside his Husky, Little did he Know that as it Grew Up, it Would turn Into... Refer to the Last Picture to see the Result

One day while strolling around the farm, he stumbled upon a puppy. It was alone, timid, and seemed very hungry, so he decided to bring it home to care for it.

The puppy was black with clear blue eyes, and at first, it seemed a bit unsure in its new surroundings.

He nurtured it, allowing it to stay with his household's Husky. Over time, they grew close and grew up together.

But as it matured, it seemed peculiar. Its black fur gradually turned gray, and its once blue eyes now gleamed with gold.

Later, he learned from others that it was actually a wolf.

However, it possessed the personality traits of a Husky.

Typically, it mischievously played around with the Husky like any other day.

But when it got serious, that's when it began to reveal itself as the pack leader of the Husky.

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